Well i have... *head growing big and shaping like prawn*
its the phuket trip that me and dear went like about a months ago.. haha [yea.. haven had the time to update the rest of the trip.. but soon it'll come out]
so back to the story.. there wus this photo taken by force with their 'mysterious camera man' hiding at the side of the elephant trek on our elephant ride back at phuket [there's a lot of these mysterious photographer at tourist spot in Thailand. We both tot the pic look quite nice so we bought it as our sweet memories *tahahaha sponge bob laugh* but somehow the photo dropped out of our sight when we checked out of Thantip villa... we only realize it when we got back kch that its not with us..
so we called up Thanthip Villa and checked if the photos's there.. the reception asked me to call back day after as they have to wait for the guess occupiying the room to checkout then only they can help us search the room again. So i called back day after after work and guess wud! they had it.. the housekeeping lady didn't throw it away!! it wus actually dropped between the side desk and the wall... and the housekeeping lady kept it well. i wus so happy the moment they say they had it .. so i emailed them my address and waited for the mail to arrive..
1 week pass.... 2 week pass... untill yesterday i had a flash of this incident over my mind wondering where's the mail.. did they really mail it to me?? did the postman misplace it?? Where did the mail went to???AND TODAY!!! after returning home from work justnow, my mom told me that You've got mail from Thailand!!!

Million thanks to the team at Thanthip Villa for helping us.. it might be nothing for them but the photo means a lot for me and my dear for our 1st cross country trip.. thanks to the manager [who commision the post of the photo using registered mail], the reception [who keep in touch with us untill the photo was found], the house keeping lady [who cleaned our room, making 'flower' out of our randomly put cloths during stay time and most importantly not throwing away the photo] and other ppl involve in search of our photo at Thanthip Villa. Not only you have one of the best environment in town, the most important is your superb service to customer did not stop at the door step. Thankyou.
That was very good and nice of them!
Ya mate it certainly is~ ^^
that shadow on the 6th pic is blocking the nice view la
LOL "green shadow" tahahahaha
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