Yup that's rite~ Starbucks Coffee Jelly's BACK!
Sunday afternoon me n dear went to Spring to get her number replace *moran animal pick-pocketed her phone at the charity food fair at Civic Centre* forget about it i'll break both that moran's hand if he's so unlucky to be found by me.. okay not worth reboiling myself with that matter...
anyway before going to Digi store we head to Starbucks to get ourselves sumthin nice to iron-out our day... I wasn't actually expecting coffee jelly to be out so soon and same goes to dear..
but then when our sight arrive at starbucks this is what we saw

So we 'Q' up and place our orders and moments later we got this:

So after pumping a mouth full of supposingly sattisfyin coffee jelly into my mouth my tastebuds sent a message telling me that's not the taste or rather texture i've been expecting...
well, the jelly's the main thing here actually... I remember clearly the texture of the jelly that i had couple of years back is more or less as chwwy as nata-de-coco but the jelly as u can see from the pic is like 豆腐花 dyed black and slightly more gelatin which makes it more condensed that 豆腐花。。。 not as satisfying but not too bad either... If you out there wus expecting sumthing that i expected.. then this surely isn;t the coffee jelly that it use to be.. if not no harm givvit a try~ ;-)
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