Here I am again at The Spring Kuching for my 2nd attempt of Sushi King Bonanza 2008
Q looks even more scary than 1st day... mayb its because of other retailer's complain the Q is being arrange in a "V" shape... ps: Q starts right in front of Sushi King down to middle of corridor and back to Samsonite's shop front....

But the waiting time for this time wasn't that bad as compared to previous one, we've waited for only ard 45mins and we're in!

Okay, from left above is our 1st wave sushi feast! plate count: 26!
right above is the 2nd wave, plate count: 17

hohoho~~ here's my pic stolen from fab's blog...
see me excited on da left and bloated but conquered on the right hahaha

~~~And that's the end of Sushi King Bonanza 08~~~ haha actually its just update of more pics though...
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