Sunday, February 22, 2009

V Day Pressie ^^

Wu huhu expectantly i discovered diok sum evidence days before V day so there wasn't any surprise for the present itself actually hehe

but dear wus very "mysterious" about the way she gives me my 1st V day pressie. 1st little red heart shaped cards wit clue to the 2nd heart-shape little red card and then to the next and all wus hidden all over so i wus running all over from my room to the car and back to my room again where its rewarding to see this:
1st Vday gift 09
after dragging my tired body all over the place its so rewarding after all.


Anonymous said...

play cheat one!!! huhuhuhu!! curi curi see the website!!


Steve said...

muah hahaha =p

Anonymous said...

noty noty! tomolo cubit u! oops.. nope nope.. later when bfast cubit u! muakakaka

Anonymous said...

waseh... two love birds here! HAHAHAHAH! *pretend u dun see me* HAHAAHHAHA!

Anonymous said...

eee.. wad lahh!! huhu!