okay~ its been a lazy holiday hangin ard not bloggin but travelin here n ther for all the junk foods and crushed drinks... so its time to update a bit
so backtracking to the very last nite recorded on lunar calender 08 where we hav reunion dinner
this year i made 2 simple dishes and help up on 2 of the others.
its like over a year since i last hold the knife and tose the wok so kind of forgotten the mixture of the recepi i accidentally discovered... LOL
I did i very basic sabah style hong kong kai lan but that's just little things so not to mention, so move on to the steam prawn... so innitially its marinated prawn in a bit of sugar and sum nice rice wine which i left out the wine during marination.. then comes to steam.. the timing wus perfectly correct which cooks the prowan just nice not over cooked that it became hard to chew.. the thing is i added too much sugar during marinate and a bit over 10 to 15 ml of water into the beaten eggs into the prawn so that makes the presentation not quite nice and the water in the egg's not really cooked but the prawn has already done... so my bad.. gottat do more cooking randomly... haha so here it is the steam prawn, the vege, "bak kui"[traditional cuisine from chao ann ppl mixed meat roll in tofu skin and deep fried] and production from my mum steam fish, sharkfin soup *drowling..*, fried rice and also the yummy "kacang-ma" [my mum's just tryin to use the chicken meat that's being ripped off from the bones used to made stock for the sharkfin soup, so she made this dish haha]